
Autism Occupational Therapy
Coaching Program 2023-2024

What is the Autism Occupational Therapy Coaching (AOTC) Program?

The Autism Occupational Therapy Coaching (AOTC) Program is a complimentary, interactive, small group coaching program. We aim to have 4 cohorts complete this program between September 2023 to April 2024. Our pilot program was a great success. Read some of the feedback received below. 

We aim to coach and mentor 150 OTs and OT students through our Autism Occupational Therapy Coaching (AOTC) Program and our Inter-professional Autism Ontario ECHO Program. 

The AOTC Program is being run in partnership with The Ontario Society of Occupational Therapists with funding from the Ontario Autism Program’s Workforce Capacity Fund.

What is expected of participants?

How will participants be selected?

Please note that the application period to apply to this program is now closed. We are in the process of notifying participants for this program.  If you applied to this program, you will receive an email from Moira Peña to let you know either way

Meet Your OT Coaches!

Occupational Therapist

Occupational Therapist

Occupational Therapist

Occupational Therapist

Occupational Therapist

Occupational Therapist

Occupational Therapist

Occupational Therapist

By taking part in this coaching program you will:

Here is some of feedback from our Autism Occupational Therapy (AOTC) Program participants where they told us what they valued most from participating in the AOTC sessions!

Learning and interacting with other OTs in similar practice settings, as well as the expert advice from the group coach

Meeting with other OTs from around the province; I loved the structure of the case studies (questions only first and then suggestions)

Being connected to other OTs who also valued autistic voices and changing how we practice. I enjoyed hearing how other OTs approach a case even in different environments

The ability to walk through a case with fellow OTs and walk away with tangible next steps, resources, and confidence!

Discussing actual cases and getting tangible tools and feedback

The coaching... so so so valuable. I would love to have access to other OTs to review cases. I learned from my case and learned so much from my peers' cases

Development of the AOTC Program was funded by the Ontario Autism Program Workforce Capacity Fund. Creation of the AOTC Coaches’ Zone was supported by Evidence to Care, whose work is generously supported by donors and the Holland Bloorview Foundation.

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