Meet Your Speakers
Dr. Mohammad Zubairi
Dr. Mohammad Zubairi is a Developmental Paediatrician at Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre & Assistant Professor in the Department of Paediatrics at McMaster University. He is also an Adjunct Scientist at Holland Bloorview’s Research Institute. His primary area of clinical work is with children and youth on the autism spectrum. He is a member of the McMaster Autism Research Team. He completed his clinical fellowship at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital and a Master of Education through OISE (Ontario Institute of Studies in Education)/University of Toronto.
Dr. Zubairi sits on the steering committee for PONDA (Physicians of Ontario Neurodevelopmental Advocacy) Network, and on the executive for the Section on Developmental Paediatrics at the Canadian Paediatric Society. He is also a board member for the SAAAC Autism Centre (South Asian Autism Awareness Centre)