Kelly Beins, BHSc, OTR/L
Kelly Beins is a seasoned Occupational Therapist with over 27 years of experience, including 17 years with certification in sensory integration. Kelly believes in evidence-informed interventions and is passionate about combining sensory integration and mental health.
Kelly has recently joined Unyte-iLs as a strategic clinical consultant where she helps to establish clinical use guidelines, provider engagement, and product development. Outside of her role at Unyte, Kelly is growing a global mentorship program to make best-practices more accessible for other sensory OT’s in private practices.
Kelly specializes in Polyvagal Theory, she is an international speaker, has published two children’s books and was named, Autism Parenting Magazine’s “Top OT” for two consecutive years.
While almost an empty nester, Kelly is a sensory parent herself, which has led to many insightful and unexpected learnings along her professional and personal path.