Ellen Yack, M.Ed., B.Sc.O.T., OT Reg (Ont.)
Ellen Yack has practiced in Toronto as an occupational therapist since 1979 and has a Masters’ Degree in Education. She is recognized for her expertise working with children and adults with autism spectrum and sensory processing disorders. Ellen has provided support services and consultation to a variety of settings including the Geneva Centre for Autism, the Autism Team at the Toronto District Catholic School Board and to numerous ABA programs and Mental Health agencies. Ellen has conducted workshops and provides mentorship across Canada and she is one of the co-authors of Building Bridges Through Sensory Integration: Occupational Therapy for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and is a contributor to the book Children, Youth and Adults with Asperger Syndrome.
Ellen brings passion and curiosity to her work and recognizes the importance of learning from her clients. She is currently evading retirement and relishing her role as a first time grandmother.