Dr. Danielle Delorenzo, OTR/L, pending RYT
Danielle Delorenzo is a pediatric occupational therapist, business owner, writer, and professor. She is the creator of Mornings with an OT Mom Blog and Co-Founder of mindfulness in mOTion, INC. She has a doctorate degree in Occupational Therapy, postgraduate studies in Infant Mental Health, and practices with a focus on early intervention, movement, mindfulness, and their connection to academic learning.
Her professional and personal lives collided when her son sustained trauma at birth and was later diagnosed with autism at 2.5 years old.
Her mission is to empower, uplift, and educate parents, students, and professionals on all things education, parenting, occupational therapy, and so much more.
Website: www.themimproject.com, IG @mindfulness.in.motion