HB Autism Summit
December 10-14, 2022
Occupational Therapy Edition
Speaker Schedule
Day 1
Saturday, December 10th, 2022

Moira Peña, Occupational Therapist & Summit Host
My Big Why for this Summit & Autism Resource Toolkit! New Perspectives in Autism & Implications for Occupational Therapy Practice

Dr. Virginia Spielmann, Autistic Advocate & Occupational Therapist
Confronting Ableist Attitudes & Moving Forward Through Reflecting On & Adopting Neurodiversity-Affirming and Strengths-Based Approaches

Dr. Bill Wong, Autistic Advocate & Occupational Therapist
The Importance of Using Identity-First Language & Finding Purpose Through Teaching and Mentorship of Autistic Occupational Therapy Students and Practitioners

Meg Proctor, Occupational Therapist
How a Better Understanding of Autistic Learning Styles Enables us to Move Past Deficit-Based Models of Practice & Embrace Strategies that Support Autistic People’s Authentic Participation Instead

Dr. Christie Welch, Occupational Therapist
Towards a Better Understanding of Autism & our Occupational Therapy Role Through Listening to Autistic Narratives of Burnout, Inertia, Meltdowns and Shutdowns (BIMS)

HB Autism Summit LIVE
with Debra Kennedy, Occupational Therapist &
Marnie Lofsky, Moderator & Executive Director of the Ontario Society of Occupational Therapists (OSOT)
12p.m-1p.m Eastern Time (US and Canada)
What is the Ontario Autism Program (OAP)? What Does it Mean for Ontario’s Occupational Therapists?
Join Zoom Webinar
Passcode: 1174592
Webinar ID: 634 5508 9249
International numbers available
Day 2
Sunday, December 11th, 2022

Dr. Jessie Wilson, Occupational Therapist
The Power of ‘Doing’ (and Unapologetically!) Stepping into Using an Occupation Lens in Our Work

Dr. Natalie McLeod Schroeder, Occupational Therapist
Using our Canadian Occupational Therapy Models to Support a Strengths-Based and Occupation Focused Practice

Kelly Beins, Occupational Therapist
Partnering with Parents and Caregivers to Best Inform the Assessment Process in our Work with Autistic Children & Youth

Maisie Soetantyo, Autistic Advocate & Family and Inclusivity Consultant
Be a Game Changer! Strategies that Support Development & Communication using a Neurodiversity-Affirming Approach

Dr. Amanda Binns, Speech-Language Pathologist
Reframing Play Outcomes Through the Use of a Neurodiversity-Affirming and Strengths-Based Lens
Day 3
Monday, December 12th, 2022

Dr. Jacquelyn Fede, Autistic Advocate & Developmental Psychologist & Dr. Amy Laurent, Occupational Therapist & Developmental Psychologist
from Autism Level UP!
Leveling Up our Practices and Understanding of Regulation to Best Support Autistic People

Dr. Kelly Mahler, Occupational Therapist &
Chloe Rothschild, Autistic Advocate
Moving Away from ‘Managing’ Behaviours to Understanding the Many Causes Underpinning Behaviours Including the Key Role Played by our Interoceptive Awareness

Ira Kraemer, Autistic Advocate
The Occupational Therapy Practitioner’s Role in Recognizing and Validating the Autistic Lived Experience of Sensory Pain

Moira Robertson, Autistic Advocate
Understanding the Impact of Sensory Processing Differences & the Occupational Therapy Practitioner’s Key Role in Sensory Advocacy

Paula Aquilla, Occupational Therapist &
Ellen Yack, Occupational Therapist
Supporting Autistic People Through a Better Understanding of Sensory Processing & the Implementation of a Sensory Diet Approach

HB Autism Summit LIVE
with Simmy Kassam, Occupational Therapist at Holland Bloorview & Moderator
Aman Sium, Interim Vice President at Holland Bloorview
Dr. Sharon Smile, Developmental Pediatrician at Holland Bloorview
Diane Tse, Occupational Therapist & Practice Consultant at the College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario (COTO)
Alifa Khan, Parent Advocate & Family as Faculty at Holland Bloorview
12p.m-1p.m Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI): What it Means for Occupational Therapy Practitioners & Key Considerations for Practice
Join Zoom Webinar
Passcode: 6380051
Webinar ID: 652 2529 0595
International numbers available
Day 4
Tuesday, December 13th, 2022

Dr. Kristie Patten, Occupational Therapist
Confidently Stepping Into Advocacy Roles Through Confronting Professional Biases & Including the Voices of Speaking and Non-Speaking Autistic People into our Work

Kim Barthel, Occupational Therapist
Understanding the Relationship between Trauma and Autism & Guiding Principles for Becoming a Trauma-Sensitive Health Care Provider

Hélène Thériault, Occupational Therapist
Adopting a Coach Approach to Empower our Clients and Families in Taking Steps to Meet Meaningful Goals

Susan Cherian-Joseph, Occupational Therapist & Parent Advocate
Ben Joseph, Autistic Advocate
Kathryn (Kate) Joseph, Sibling & Autism Advocate
An Occupational Therapist’s and Mother’s Narrative of Transformation Through the Adoption of Strengths-Based Strategies into her Parenting Journey

Dr. Danielle Delorenzo, Occupational Therapist & Parent Advocate
A Mindful Approach to Self-Injurious Behaviours (SIBs)

HB Autism Summit LIVE
with Dr. Christie Welch, Occupational Therapist &
Moira Pena, Moderator
12p.m-1p.m Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Occupational Therapy and Behaviourism: What Occupational Therapy Practitioners Need to Consider
Join Zoom Webinar
Passcode: 0636368
Webinar ID: 635 9863 9534
International numbers available
Day 5
Wednesday, December 14th, 2022

Debra Kennedy, Occupational Therapist
Supporting Autistic Children and Youth Through a Better Understanding of the Occupational Therapy Role in Schools

Lisa Artero, Occupational Therapist
Ishanee Jahagirdar, Occupational Therapist
Engaging in Strengths-Based Occupational Therapy Practice Through our Role in Assessment of Self-Care Occupations (Toileting & Dressing)

Susan McIlwain, Occupational Therapist
Where do I Start?: Using a Collaborative, Strengths-Based and Family-Centred Approach in Feeding Assessment to Best Support Autistic Children and Youth and their Families

Naomi Hazlett, Occupational Therapist
The Importance of Leveraging Special Interests into our Work to Support Authentic Autistic Identity

Karen Randall, Occupational Therapist
Addressing Sleep Differences Through the Use of a Family-Centred and Strengths-Based Lens: The Occupational Therapist’s Unique Role